Double Discovery Center (Columbia University)

New York, NY | 1996

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The official biography below was current at the time of the award. See the organization's website for its latest information.

Established 50 years ago, the Double Discovery Center (DDC) was designed with the assistance of University faculty to address the lack of formal science, mathematics and technology education faced by many of the young people who enroll in DDC. DDC s strengths include: Inclusion of a science and technology curriculum among program offerings with which students from Harlem schools can strengthen preparation for college; this curriculum broadens students grasp of career potential in STEM fields, and students are required to complete specific courses in mathematics and science; Strong parental involvement; Number and diversity of students served -- currently serves over 1,000 minority students over the age of 12 annually, approximately 75 percent of whom come from low income and first generation college backgrounds; Success of students mentored -- 97 percent high school graduation rate (with an average number of 186 high school seniors); 98 percent college enrollment rate compared to the national enrollment rate of 66 percent; 88 percent retention rate and 66 percent college graduation rate versus the national rate of 58 percent; Special opportunities for students -- academic research experiences, academic support systems; and strategies leading to successful matriculation and degree completion in science, mathematics, and engineering fields; and Demonstrated quality of institutional life fostering viable learning, contacts, and career development networks -- creation of an impressive network between parents and students and administrators, alumni, faculty and students at Columbia University.

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