University of New Mexico's MEMS Program

Albuquerque, NM | 2000

Awardee Organization badge

The official biography below was current at the time of the award. See the organization's website for its latest information.

The University of New Mexico's MEMS program was established in 1994 to increase minority enrollment and graduation levels in science, mathematics and engineering. The program consists of seven core components: (i) a summer program that bridges the gap between high school and college; (ii) problem-solving workshops for undergraduates; (iii) industry internships; (iv) undergraduate research experiences with faculty mentors; (v) professional development opportunities for K-12 mathematics and science teachers; (vi) a transfer program for community college students; and, (vii) academic enrichment opportunities for local high school students. Over the past six years, the MEMS program has served almost 1,600 minority science, mathematics and engineering undergraduate students. Engineering baccalaureate degrees earned by minority students at The University of New Mexico have increased from 20 percent of the total in 1992 to 40 percent in 1999.

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