Native Americans in Marine and Space Sciences Program

Honolulu, HI | 2004

Awardee Organization badge

The official biography below was current at the time of the award.

Under the leadership of Dr. Judith Vergun, the NAMSS program is making substantial increases in the numbers of Native Americans, Alaskan natives, and Pacific Islanders who choose STEM-based careers. The program has focused on a demographic sector of American society that has had an acute need for more STEM participants and is benefiting from the NAMSS' mentoring activities. The program has been so successful that it is been duplicated in additional communities and in the process of being replicated in others

The submitted nomination package is in support of a Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) to recognize outstanding mentoring efforts or programs that enhance the participation of historically underrepresented groups in science, mathematics, and engineering at K-12 grades through the graduate school level.

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